Alliance Vivace Wound on a composite fibre core, CORELLI ALLIANCE VIVACE strings offer all the acoustic qualities and characteristics of the best gut strings, plus all the advantages inherent in the composite fibre, i.e perfect keeping in tune whatever temperature and humidity grade are, prolonged life span while keeping the high qualities of the string.
Due to their characteristics, the CORELLI ALLIANCE VIVACE strings harmonized perfectly and can easily be mixed either with gut strings or with nylon strings.

|  | Crystal Although wound on a nylon core, Corelli Crystal strings position in the top-of-the-range product thanks to the STABILON multifilament specially elaborated to provide the optimum characteristics of elasticity and elongation. The string maker has developed a very high quality wound on nylon string that offers a classic sound with a natural warm and nevertheless rich tone.
Due to their sounding characteristics, the Corelli Crystal strings can be mixed with steel as well as gut strings or even with Corelli Alliance Vivace strings. This advantage offers additional possibilities of balance of the instrument and sound.
